Article | We need to stop hiding in the shadows!

Article | We need to stop hiding in the shadows!

I recently sat down with a lovely glass of wine and my bullet journal to reflect on what success actually means to me. I mean I don’t remember ever really thinking about this before and yet I’ve spent a good part of my life working towards this abstract goal of...
Article | What the hell is success anyway?

Article | What the hell is success anyway?

I recently sat down with a lovely glass of wine and my bullet journal to reflect on what success actually means to me. I mean I don’t remember ever really thinking about this before and yet I’ve spent a good part of my life working towards this abstract goal of...
Article | Your’ve been together how long?

Article | Your’ve been together how long?

My husband and I recently celebrated 21 years together, yes 21 years since our very first kiss. Some hear this and are immediately appalled, “21 years with the same person?” While others are in awe, “21 years with the same person?” Same words, very different tone and...